The Cities for Climate Network met in a General Assembly on May 3, 2024, with the governing bodies being elected and the Governance Regulation approved, both unanimously.
The President of the Municipal Council of Braga assumes the presidency of the Board of the General Assembly, with the President of the Municipal Council of Maia and the President of the Intermunicipal Community of the Coimbra Region as first and second secretaries, respectively.
The Mayor of Matosinhos presides over the Coordinating Council, with the Presidents of the Municipal Councils of Guimarães, Lisbon, Porto and Vila Nova de Famalicão as members.
The participation of the cities of Guimarães, Lisbon and Porto in the Coordinating Council is not subject to election, as they are part of the European Mission “100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030, by and for citizens”, with the remaining members, as well as their president, elected by the General Assembly.
The Advisory Council is still in the process of being constituted and must be subject to approval at the next General Assembly, on a date yet to be designated.